How to Manage Domains Registered with Another Register

Do you have a domain name that you want to manage that is registered with another provider?

We can provide Free DNS hosting with all VPS and Dedicated Server services.

Please follow these steps to create your DNS zone.


  1. Login to your client zone and select "Product Addons" from the Categories selection tab.
    Select your service and proceed to order.

  2. Once complete select  Domains > "Manage DNS" from the top menu bar.

  3. Select the service and then "Add New Zone" to create a new zone on our nameserver cluster.

  4. Complete the desired domain name in full without any www. and with the tld like the example below and proceed with " Add Zone"

  5. You should now see your new domain listed, you can now edit the zone records for the domain.

  6. Once completed you can proceed to update your name servers at your domain register with our nameservers that will be listed under your DNS zone by default.
  • DNS
  • 2 Users Found This Useful
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